
Perfection of technology in compiling the optimal digital terrain model

    Algirdas Kumetaitis Affiliation
    ; Aušra Kumetaitienė Affiliation


The article analyses digital terrain model accuracy dependence on both the terrain type and selected method for surface modeling. The authors suggest the technique to be able to split the surface into different categories of the terrain. This technique of splitting the surface into different categories of the terrain has been based on the calculations made to determine the roughness of the terrain and it has been carried out applying sequence of stages, taking into consideration the inclinations of the slopes, directions of the slopes, terrain variability for the chosen territory. The carried out experiment has been targeted to determine the most optimal method in surface modelling for each separate category of the terrain. There have been compared the accuracy of the terrain models, obtained by using different surface modelling methods. The most accurate algorithms of the surface modeling have been selected. The technique of the preliminary evaluation of the standard decline for the terrain model is submitted in the article.

Article in Lithuanian.

Optimalaus skaitmeninio reljefo modelio sudarymo technologijos tobulinimas

Santrauka. Šiame darbe tiriama skaitmeninio reljefo modelio tikslumo priklausomybė nuo reljefo tipo ir pasirinkto paviršiaus modeliavimo metodo. Rekomenduojama metodika paviršiui skaidyti į skirtingas reljefo kategorijas. Šis paviršiaus skaidymas į skirtingas reljefo kategorijas grindžiamas reljefo raižytumo skaičiavimu keliais etapais, įvertinant šlaitų nuolydžius, nuolydžių kryptis, reljefo kintamumą pasirinktoje teritorijoje. Atliktas tyrimas ieškant optimalaus paviršiaus modeliavimo metodo kiekvienai reljefo kategorijai. Palygintas reljefo modelių, gautų skirtingais paviršiaus modeliavimo metodais, tikslumas. Išskirti tiksliausi paviršiaus modeliavimo algoritmai. Pateikiama reljefo modelio standartinio nuokrypio preliminaraus vertinimo metodika.

Raktažodžiai: skaitmeninis reljefo modelis, fizinio žemės paviršiaus modelis, aplinkos modeliavimas.

First published online: 03 Aug 2012

Keyword : varied terrain model, physical model of the earth's surface, environmental modeling

How to Cite
Kumetaitis, A., & Kumetaitienė, A. (2012). Perfection of technology in compiling the optimal digital terrain model. Geodesy and Cartography, 31(2), 57-61.
Published in Issue
Aug 3, 2012
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