
Investigation of Hatay-Defne earthquake (20.02.2023) by using GNSS station

    Atınç Pırtı Affiliation
    ; Zümrüt Kurtulgu Affiliation
    ; Mehmet Eren Affiliation


No studies have been conducted on the spatial changes related to the Hatay-Defne earthquake (20 February 2023) up to now. The reason for this situation is that the requested data cannot be accessed as a result of the power and internet interruptions caused by the earthquake. The southern Turkish city of Hatay had a 6.3 magnitude earthquake at 20:04 on February 20, 2023. Three minutes later, a 5.8 magnitude aftershock occurred, and 90 more aftershocks followed. These earthquakes, which were felt across the area, caused individuals who survived the horrific quakes on February 6, 2023, to experience new levels of dread. In the district of Hatay-Defne, the epicenter began. In its first assessment, the United States Geological Survey gave the earthquake a magnitude of 6.3 at a depth of 16 kilometers. In this study, firstly, GNSS data belonging to ARST station in 30 seconds recording interval were downloaded into CSRS-PPP. GNSS data was processed as static and then was processed as epoch to epoch by using kinematic method. The coordinate differences between the obtained coordinates by using the kinematic processing and the obtained coordinates by using the static processing were computed. According to the obtained results, a horizontal movement of approximately 8.30 cm in the south-west direction was observed at the ARST station, which is the closest to the earthquake center.

Keyword : GPS, GNSS, Hatay-Defne earthquake, deformation, displacements

How to Cite
Pırtı, A., Kurtulgu, Z., & Eren, M. (2024). Investigation of Hatay-Defne earthquake (20.02.2023) by using GNSS station. Geodesy and Cartography, 50(4), 156–161.
Published in Issue
Dec 10, 2024
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