
An integrated multi-objectives optimization approach on modelling pavement maintenance strategies for pavement sustainability

    Ankang Ji Affiliation
    ; Xiaolong Xue Affiliation
    ; Yuna Wang Affiliation
    ; Xiaowei Luo Affiliation
    ; Minggong Zhang Affiliation


Addressing the multi-dimensional challenges to promote pavement sustainability requires the development of an optimization approach by simultaneously taking into account future pavement conditions for pavement maintenance with the capability to search and determine optimal pavement maintenance strategies. Thus, this research presents an integrated approach based on the Markov chain and Particle swarm optimization algorithm which aims to consider the predicted pavement condition and optimize the pavement maintenance strategies during operation when applied in the maintenance management of a road pavement section. A case study is conducted for testing the capability of the proposed integrated approach based on two maintenance perspectives. For case 1, maintenance activities mainly occur in TM20, TM31, and TM41, with the maximum maintenance mileage reaching 88.49 miles, 50.89 miles, and 20.91 miles, respectively. For case 2, the largest annual maintenance cost in the first year is $15.16 million with four types of maintenance activities. Thereafter, the maintenance activities are performed at TM10, TM31, and TM41, respectively. The results obtained, compared with the linear program, show the integrated approach is effective and reliable for determining the maintenance strategy that can be employed to promote pavement sustainability.

Keyword : pavement maintenance management, maintenance strategy, pavement sustainability, Markov chain, Particle swarm optimization

How to Cite
Ji, A., Xue, X., Wang, Y., Luo, X., & Zhang, M. (2020). An integrated multi-objectives optimization approach on modelling pavement maintenance strategies for pavement sustainability. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 26(8), 717-732.
Published in Issue
Nov 5, 2020
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