Vol 29 No 8 (2023)

Published: 2023-10-24


Project time, cost and quality constraints management through structured fuzzy mapping on psychological phenomena

Yiyi Mo, Chen Wang, Yutong Tang, Jeffrey Boon Hui Yap, Lincoln C. Wood, Zhi Wee Guaz
Abstract 2062 | PDF Downloads 791 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jcem.2023.19212

Page 669–690

Performance evaluation of palm oil clinker as cement and sand replacement materials in foamed concrete

Farhang Salari, U. Johnson Alengaram, Ahmed Mahmoud Alnahhal, Zainah Ibrahim, Karthick Srinivas M, Muhammad S. I. Ibrahim, Anand N
Abstract 1843 | PDF Downloads 622 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jcem.2023.19785

Page 691–713

SHM-based practical safety evaluation and vibration control model for steel pipes

Sang Geun Bae, Jewoo Choi, Deok Shin Kang, Taehoon Hong, Dong-Eun Lee, Hyo Seon Park
Abstract 1741 | PDF Downloads 554 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jcem.2023.20146

Page 729–740