
Risk profiling question investigation for robo-advisor


Purpose – this study aims to thoroughly investigate by reviewing previous literature on risk assessment queries for robo-advisors, comparing it with three existing robo-advisors and proposing suitable risk assessment questions for robo-advisor.

Research methodology – utilize the deductive content analysis technique to examine the risk assessment issue for financial robo-advisors, which is influenced by previous study.

Findings – there are nine questions share a similar context both in previous literature and among existing robo-advisors, with income being the most commonly used question. Then, there are three questions that are only asked by the existing robo-advisors: emergency funds, home ownership, and the source of transaction. These findings suggest some additional questions to enhance the effectiveness of risk assessment in robo-advisory services for individuals.

Research limitations – only two previous research papers have focused on risk profiling, and three available applications used in this research.

Practical implications – the robo-advisor’s developer should take into account various factors such as local culture and economic conditions, financial product knowledge, etc. when crafting diverse risk profiles to provide more precise investment recommendations.

Originality/Value – the study is the first research which explore the risk profiling for financial robo-advisor, which used by existing robo-advisor then compared to other countries in the world.

Keyword : robo advisor, risk profiling, fintech, literature, content analysis

How to Cite
Hasanah, E. N., Wiryono, S. K., & Koesrindartoto, D. P. (2024). Risk profiling question investigation for robo-advisor. Business, Management and Economics Engineering, 22(2), 382–400.
Published in Issue
Oct 25, 2024
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